I figured I could post this here, rather than my tumblr and spam people's inboxes. It doesn't quite belong on Melismatic, as I'm not quite comfortable with everyone and their mother viewing pictures of my neighborhood, but for friends who are curious, here is a growing pile of pictures from my little corner of New York City (complete with descriptions). I will be updating this as I see fit. Older pictures are toward the bottom. Click for full size.
The following pictures up to the (----) were taken from January to April 2010.
Bowling Green Park, right down the block from me. If you are so inclined to see "The Sorcerer's Apprentice", starring Nic Cage, there is a scene in which the heroine is being held captive(?) on a fountain that is surrounded by fire. It was shot right here. True story. I saw it happen. ;) Just behind this mini-park is the infamous Wall Street Bull statue.
Outside my building, facing east. If you turned the other way, you'd see the Statue of Liberty and Battery Park. However, this was taken in the morning, and it was too foggy to get clear pictures of the Statue.
The lobby to my building in Lower Manhattan.
This is the entrance to the Subway train I take every morning to work. It looks grimy in the picture, but that doesn't quite do it justice. It's absolutely filthy in real life.
Inside the subway, waiting for the R/W. The following pictures are of inside the W train. It looks clean, but it should be noted that the W line features some of the newest and most technological cars of the NY Subway System. It's sister train, the R, looks like something straight out of the 60's.
On the newer train cars, there is this little sign that tells you what stop you're at, and what stops are coming up. I snapped this picture so I could get in one pic the majority of NY's big tourist spots: Prince Street (SoHo Shopping District), 8th Street (NYU/Greenwich Village), 14th Street (Union Square), 34th Street (Herald Square Shopping District) and of course, 42nd Street (Times Square).
Getting off the train at Prince Street, where I work.
The corner of Prince Street and Broadway. It's always busy, no matter the hour. And yes, that's the Empire State Building in the background.
The Brooklyn Bridge, facing Brooklyn; Summer 2009.
View of Manhattan Island by way of the Brooklyn Bridge; Summer 2009
The Iconic Virgin Megastore in Times Square (where I bought far too many British, German, Swedish and Australian import albums over the years), just prior to its permanent closing. This was taken about a month before it closed. The signage is still there, but the store is not. Taken in February 2009.
Union Square Park (and yes, that's the Empire State Building in the back toward the left hand side); February 2009
Chinatown, near Canal Street. Chinese New Year Parade, 2009.